When abortion was illegal 55 years ago in the U.S....
thousands of women in the Midwest knew whom to call for help: Jane, the legendary feminist abortion service. Now, as the only blue state in a sea of red in the Midwest, Illinois again offers a relative refuge.
From Kim Wilson, Chicago Reader: “Everyone – but women especially – should hear this story.”
Recommended for college students:
Janelle Soriano, co-artistic director of the UCLA Color Box (BIPOC) Production Company which fully produced the play in December 2022, says: “It’s amazing how much your play has truly opened the eyes of everyone who is involved to the ongoing social narrative of abortion and women's reproductive rights. I think I speak on behalf of everyone involved that your play has truly changed our lives and impacted all of us deeply. We hope we can do the same for our audiences.”
Peter Reynolds, on faculty of Temple University Theater, which had a reading of the play in fall 2022, says: “The play moves swiftly, keeps us completely engaged, and leaves us feeling, "How could we possibly need to talk about this history again? It should be history." And yet here we are in 2023! JANE needs to be read and produced on every college campus in the nation. Kudos to Paula Kamen for giving us this important play to share! ”
From 1969 to 1972, women who ran “Jane” were mostly unassuming: college students, “hippie housewives,” and antiwar activists. But they led extraordinary double lives, running the most active underground abortion service in modern history. Its members report that they performed and provided more than 10,000 abortions to women from all backgrounds. An inspiring story about the power of organizing — and the harrowing risks of accessing abortion illegally, even in the best of circumstances.
In 2023, after dozens of benefit readings and seven full productions, the play reached a sad milestone: its first performance in a red state severely restricting abortion (South Carolina). The next such reading in October of 2024 in Florida will also raise money for abortion funds there, providing direct and urgent material support, in the tradition of Jane.
(Jane illustration above based on graphic from 20% Theatre Company, for 2006 production.)
For more info or to obtain a script
Contact playwright Paula Kamen at paulakamen[at]gmail.com or order here. Also available, with testimonials, through the National New Play Network.

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